Friday, June 1, 2012

Pics to go with the poem

May 30, 2011


Lava Lamp

My lava lamp is actually working for once!  I think it might be older than me, no joke.  It is going blub...blub...blub...

(by the amazing poet, sarah hager)
 Oh lava-y wonder
Watchith ye
Why thy blubbing?
As if orange
In a slimmy blue ocean-ia
~sarah hager

New Contest

I have a new contest!  Get going on it.  The due date for the pictures is still being determined but try to get them in ASAP.


I am so upset!  After all this waiting, I HAVE LOST THE PICTURES!!!  So any of you who entered the contest still have your pictures?  I know I saved them somewhere...
Just email them to me again if you have them, please.  Meanwhile I'm going to start a new contest.

So Sorry

I'm very sorry that I have been posting much on this blog.  I post on my other one a lot though.  Anyways, the contest that has been going on for WAY TO LONG is finally over.  I only have two or three pictures I think and I have chosen a winner.  The winner will be posted soon.  So soon that it will only be a few minutes.  Await the winner!