Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Reader Photography

Here is some special reader photography. These pictures were taken by Picture This reader, Abigail Holland.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Seattle Aquarium

I recently took a trip to the Seattle Aquarium.  It was so much fun! I got to touch some amazing sea creatures.  Altough you can't travel there this instant, I'd like to share with you some of my own experiences.


I have truly been so fortunate. I had the amazing opportunity to take numerous deer pictures. They are at quite an amazing distances and I can't wait to present a few to you! It may take a while to upload the pictures but trust me, it will be worth the wait.
I love wrtitng all seriously. They're really are some of my favorite pictures though.

Seagull in Seattle


The winner of the first ever contest is Abigail Holland! Yay! She had to win beacause I lost the other pictures and no one ever sent me any more after this one. Cagratulations Abigail!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pics to go with the poem

May 30, 2011


Lava Lamp

My lava lamp is actually working for once!  I think it might be older than me, no joke.  It is going blub...blub...blub...

(by the amazing poet, sarah hager)
 Oh lava-y wonder
Watchith ye
Why thy blubbing?
As if orange
In a slimmy blue ocean-ia
~sarah hager

New Contest

I have a new contest!  Get going on it.  The due date for the pictures is still being determined but try to get them in ASAP.


I am so upset!  After all this waiting, I HAVE LOST THE PICTURES!!!  So any of you who entered the contest still have your pictures?  I know I saved them somewhere...
Just email them to me again if you have them, please.  Meanwhile I'm going to start a new contest.

So Sorry

I'm very sorry that I have been posting much on this blog.  I post on my other one a lot though.  Anyways, the contest that has been going on for WAY TO LONG is finally over.  I only have two or three pictures I think and I have chosen a winner.  The winner will be posted soon.  So soon that it will only be a few minutes.  Await the winner!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It is way past January 17 and I still haven't gotten more than two pictures for my contest! I am going to go nuts if you guys don't send me five soon!!! I'm threatening to send my own in and make it win! That is how bored I am of waiting!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

In Michigan I saw some cute little plant things with snow hats on! It's pretty tiny so it might be hard to see.

Longest Day Ever

Yesterday I was at school from 7:45 am to 6:40(ish) pm. I first had beasketball in the morning from 7:45 to 8:15, then I had school till around 3:10, then I had dance pracice till 4:30 and then I had more basketball that went late and I ended up going home at 6:40!!! It was really fun though.


We're about to go sledding and go and play in the snow. Me and Caroline just played in it last night when our dad was snow blowing. It was really fun! We had the run away from the snow coming out from the snow blower.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hurry Up Already

I only have one entry for my celebration contest! I can't wait much longer so all on your celebration photos are due by January 17.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


These pictures, sent in by my friend Sarah Wert, are of her dog Gracie. Sarah wanted them put up so her dog would be remembered. Don't worry, Gracie isn't dead! Gracie is a sweet golden retriever who loves popcorn and stuff that smells bad. Once Gracie got scared when Sarah's sister shut the door on her. She screamed and it sounded like a zombie! Her catch phrase is "Doctor guss-guss to the rescue!" Gracie is currently 9 years old and research says they only live an average of 12. Sarah would like me to include this "GRACIE SHALL LIVE!!!" Don't forget to send in pictures that you've taken and include in the email anything you want me to right along with posting the picture!

Picture 2

Yes, I did take this picture of myself. Yes, it is strange. And yes, it was for a school report. Post a comment about any questions you have, please.

Contest Update

We already have one contest entry out of five so keep those pictures coming! I forgot to mention in the contest description that all the entries will be shown on my blog once I have all five.

Picture 1

This is a picture of my lamp. Pretty creepy looking, huh?

Just Wondering...

As you can see, the background of my blog is a man taking a photo. I am just thinking about how someone would have to use another camera to take a picture of someone using a camera. If you think about it, it's pretty weird. You would end up pating for two cameras when you would only use one. And that camera is a pretty nice one, too. Just wondering about that.


Welcome to my all new photography blog where I will be posting pictures I have taken, you have taken, and much more! Frequently check both of my blogs to view my latest pieces and take part in the fun! Enjoy!